Unexploit Tanzania Safari 10 Days

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About experience

Day 1
Met on arrival, transfer to Arusha Serena for dinner and overnight.

Day 2
Arusha National Park
Full day game drive in the park, dinner and overnight at Arusha Serena Hotel.

Day 3
Tarangire National Park
Drive to Tarangire for game drive in park, dinner and overnight at Sangaiwe Tented.

Day 4
Lake Manyara
D rive through the Maasai steppe on the way to Mto wa Mbu village for lunch. Afternoon game drive in the park, the park is comprised with 5 distinctive vegetation zones, birdlife is abundant in the park, other animals to be seen a buffalo, giraffe, lion etc, dinner and overnight at Marera Lodge.

Day 5
Ngorongoro Crater
crater offers the classic game viewing opportunities where the rare black rhinos can be spotted, crater is home to the big cats eg Lion. Hippos are found here, Lake Magadi is the habitats to flamingos, dinner and overnight at Ngorongoro Sopa Lodge or similar.

Day 6
Drive to Serengeti for afternoon game drive, dinner and overnight at Serengeti Lodge.

Day 7 - 9
Full day game drive in Serengeti, all meals and overnight at Thorn Tree Camp or similar.

Day 10
Serengeti - Arusha
Fly back to Arusha for the flight to Zanzibar or back home.

Tour leaving from Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and one of the most popular destinations for hiking and adventure enthusiasts. Standing at 5,895 meters, it offers breathtaking panoramic views and a unique experience in nature. In addition to climbing, visitors can enjoy the rich flora and fauna surrounding the mountain, as well as immerse themselves in the local culture of nearby communities.

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