13 days tour

Galapagos Experience Volunteering & Travel 2 Weeks

$ 2,858 .00 USD

Total price per person

Reserve with $2,858.00

Galapagos Experience Volunteering & Travel 2 Weeks

This tour includes:


B= Breakfast / L= Lunch / BL= Box Lunch / D= Dinner 1 Arrival to Quito - 2 Quito: Orientation + Free Day B 3 Quito - Galapagos - San Cristobal B/L 4 San Cristobal: Kicker Rock or Lobos Island BL 5 San Cristobal: Volunteer Work B/L/D 6 San Cristobal: Volunteer Work - Retunr to port B 7 San Cristobal - Santa Cruz - Isabela - 8 Isabela: Sierra Negra Volcano B/BL 9 Isabela: Tuneles + Giant Tortoise Breeding Center B 10 Isabela - Santa Cruz: Highlands - 11 Santa Cruz: Academy Bay B 12 Santa Fe B/L 13 Santa Cruz - Quito B 14 Quito - Return Home B


Logistic Orientation at your acommodation place 24 hours emergency number and support


No international fligths included. Round Trip Flight to Galapagos on extra price (ask our experts)


Transfer In + Out in Quito Ferry between Islands in Galapagos


Hostel / Hotel for every day in Galapagos

Not included:


Shared bilingual guide on the activities on Galapagos

Start planning your experience

Itinerary of your trip Galapagos Experience Volunteering & Travel 2 Weeks

  • Day 1 Day 1: Arrival To Quito
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 1: Arrival To Quito

      Our Driver will be waiting for you to take you to your accommodation place.

  • Day 2 Day 2: Trip Orientation & City By Your Own
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 2: Trip Orientation & City By Your Own

      A member of the Lead Adventures Staff will visit you at your accommodation place where you will receive a comprehensive orientation about Ecuador and the program itself. You will be free for the remainder of the day to explore Ecuadorยดs capital city.

  • Day 3 Day 3: Quito - Galรกpagos Islands - San Cristรณbal
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 3: Quito - Galรกpagos Islands - San Cristรณbal

      Depart from Quito to the Galapagos Islands. Our local guide will receive you on the airport and after your check in you will have lunch. Please note: the Galapagos are one-hour behind the time zone in Quito.

  • Day 4 Kicker Rock Or Lobos Island
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Kicker Rock Or Lobos Island

      Snorkel in Lobo Island or Kicker rock (it depends on availability).   Kicker Rock and Lobos Island are two of the most spectacular destinations to visit in the Galapagos Islands. Visitors can snorkel with schools of colorful fish, sea turtles, and even sharks in the crystal-clear waters surrounding Kicker Rock. Lobos Island is home to a large colony of playful sea lions, offering visitors the opportunity to swim and snorkel with these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. The island is also a haven for birdwatchers, with a variety of exotic species including blue-footed boobies, frigate birds, and pelicans.

  • Day 5 Day 5: To 6: Volunteer Project
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 5: To 6: Volunteer Project

      For the next two days you will be based in the station assisting with the project and will be involved in performing a number of activities. The taxi will pick you up at 07:00am from the hotel and bring you to the Biological Station. The ride is approximately 45 minutes. The Station resides on 200 hectares of native vegetation and aims to cultivate the four different vegetation zones. The main objective of this project is clearing invasive plants and reforesting the land with native and endemic species. This innovative approach is believed to be the only true way to forge a sustainable future for the Galapagos. Some of the activities will include:  โ€ข        Reforestation with native and endemic species in the reserve and in local farms.  โ€ข        Environmental education with local people and schools.  โ€ข        Station maintenance (trail maintenance, sign elaboration for trails, basic construction activities, help clean fresh water supply, help in kitchen, etc.)  โ€ข        Organic agricultural activities and vegetable production (help maintain and secure food production for the station).  โ€ข        Guided hike throughout reserve and/or nearby related areas (learn about biodiversity themes, natural history, & ecology) Your accommodations for the last night will be in town.

  • Day 6 Day 7: Departure From San Cristobal To -Isabela Island, Stop In Santa Cruz
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 7: Departure From San Cristobal To -Isabela Island, Stop In Santa Cruz

      This day you will take ferry for two times. The Lead Adventures Staff will let you know the names of the boats that you will have to look to travel to the next Islands.  This days you will be departing from the hotel at 06:20am to catch the 07:00am boat to Santa Cruz. You will be arriving at Santa Cruz around 09:30am. You will have free time to explore until you have to catch the 13:30pm ferry to Isabela. You will be arriving around 16:30pm in Isabela. A member of the hotel will greet you at the Port.

  • Day 7 Day 8: Sierra Negra Volcano Hike Tour
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 8: Sierra Negra Volcano Hike Tour

      On this tour you will see the beautiful landscape and the different lava formations produced by the most recent eruptions on the 4 hours trek to the Volcano craters of Sierra Negra & Volcรกn Chico.

  • Day 8 Day 9: Giant Tortoise Breeding Center And Snorkel In โ€œLos Tunelesโ€
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 9: Giant Tortoise Breeding Center And Snorkel In โ€œLos Tunelesโ€

      The Tortoise Breeding center houses around 330 tortoises where they are bred and reared before being released into the wild. You also will visit Los Tรบneles a labyrinth of arches in crystal clear water where blue-footed boobies breed, sea lions frolic, penguins sun, tropical fish feed, white-tip reef sharks rest, and turtles navigate from the mangrove to the sea.

  • Day 9 Day 10: Departure From Santa Cruz To Isabela. Charles Darwin Station And Highlands
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 10: Departure From Santa Cruz To Isabela. Charles Darwin Station And Highlands

      Early morning you will take a ferry back to Santa Cruz. You will have the afternoon free for shopping or relaxing.  In the morning we will visit a ranch in the islandโ€™s highlands where you will see Giant Turtles in their natural habitat. You will go through the dark lava tunnels as our guide explains the origin of this island. In the afternoon we will visit the Charles Darwin Station, home to the giant tortoises and the land iguana captive breeding programs.

  • Day 10 Day 11: Academy Bay
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 11: Academy Bay

      You will be given a tour through the Academy Bay. During the trip you can observe the diversity of the underwater world and with a little bit of luck see some of the bigger inhabitants of the ocean, like marine turtles, white tip reef sharks, and manta rays. In the afternoon you can opt to visit Tortuga Bay Beach independently. The beach is located 40 minutes walking distance from the hotel, and is one of the most pristine white sandy beaches in Galapagos.

  • Day 11 Day 12: Santa Fe Snorkeling Tour
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 12: Santa Fe Snorkeling Tour

      During this tour you will visit 2 snorkel sites around the coast of Santa Fe. It is generally a great place to snorkel with the playful Galapagos sea lions. You can also see many reef fish, and sometimes turtles, reef sharks and rays. A hot lunch will be served on the boat, after which you will move to Playa Escondida. The afternoon is taken up with a visit to Playa Escondida on the coast of Santa Cruz, only accessible by boat. Here you can relax on the beach, swim or snorkel, and possibly catch site of some more friendly sea turtles.

  • Day 12 Day 13: Departure To Quito
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 13: Departure To Quito

      Transfer OUT to Baltra airport is not included in the program. You can also tell the receptionist of the hotel, to call a taxi for you. When you reach  the canal, you have to pay the ferry (USD 1.00) to reach Baltra island. After that, you have to pay USD 5 to take the buses to reach the  real airport. Once in Quito, our personal driver will meet you at the airport to take you to your accommodation place.       NOTE: please keep in mind you need to be at Baltra airport 2 hours before your flight departure. It takes 1.15 minutes to reach the airport from the hotel. 

  • Day 13 Day 14: Return Home
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 14: Return Home

      On a opportune time you will be pick up by our driver and take you to the airport to return home after you enjoy the beauty of this little country!

Experience Style

Experience Style


There will be challenging activities such as hiking, biking, canyoning and trekking, but youโ€™re also going to have other means of transportation and relaxed moments to just chill.

Accomodation level

Accomodation level


This accommodation includes essential services like a hot shower, electricity, and a nice and comfy bed.

Experience Type

Experience Type

Small Group

Youโ€™ll be accompanied by a small group of travelers just like you.

Physical Rating

Physical Rating


Almost everyone is fit for these activities. Every hike or physical exercise last less than 30 minutes, such as paragliding and horseback riding. Please ask about specific conditions.

Age range

Age range

Min: 18 / Max: 58

Age range allowed for this experience.

Select a country to define if the visa is required