26 days tour

29-day Kruger Victoria Falls To Serengeti Camping

29-day Kruger  Victoria Falls To Serengeti Camping

This tour includes:


Services of two crew


28 Breakfasts, 20 Lunches, 21 Dinners


Highlights- Kruger National Park, South AfricaChobe National Park, BotswanaVictoria Falls National ParkSouth Luangwa National ParkLake Malawi, MalawiDar es Salaam, TanzaniaZanzibar, TanzaniaSerengeti National Park, Tanzania (optional excursion)Great Rift Valley Other-All road tolls and vehicle taxesSleeping mattressMalawi cultural village walkSnake Park entranceMaasai village walkMulti share accommodation on Zanzibar


Fully equipped safari vehicle


24 nights camping in 2-person dome tents, 4 nights tourist class hotel

Not included:


Optional excursions Visas Travel insurance Flights Departure taxes Airport transfers Sleeping bag Tips, drinks, items of a personal nature Meals on Zanzibar and Livingstone


International flights are not included


Other activities and services are not included


Insurance is not included

Start planning your experience

Itinerary of your trip 29-day Kruger Victoria Falls To Serengeti Camping

  • Day 1 Day 1: Pretoria To Hazyview
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 1: Pretoria To Hazyview

      Departing early this morning for the first day of our adventure to Nairobi, our route takes us from Pretoria to Mpumulanga province and on to the town of Hazyview, which is our gateway to the world-famous Kruger National Park.This evening we enjoy an evening of traditional Shangaan dance and song around the open fire.

  • Day 2 Day 2: Kruger National Park
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 2: Kruger National Park

      We transfer onto specialised 4x4 game viewing vehicles with local expert guides today. Leaving early, we make our way to the park gate as they open at dawn to make the most of our full day in the park.The park itself is home to a huge variety of animal and bird life and we are sure to be ticking items off the list and getting some fantastic photos in no time!After an enjoyable day in the park we return to our camp in Hazyview.

  • Day 3 Day 3: Hazyview To Tshipise
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 3: Hazyview To Tshipise

      Back on the Acacia vehicle today as we continue our journey northwards. Travelling around the length of the Kruger National Park, our journey takes us into the Limpopo province and our camp in beautiful rolling hills.Our camp is set in a tranquil setting in the midst of the rolling koppies and hot springs. Soak in the pools and enjoy the views.

  • Day 4 Day 4: Tshipise To Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 4: Tshipise To Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

      An early start this morning, our first stop is at the border with Zimbabwe and we will be crossing the Limpopo River at Beitbridge. Once formalities have been completed, our journey takes us onward to the wide avenues of Bulawayo, Zimbabwes second largest city and our camp which is located just outside the city.

  • Day 5 Day 5: Matobo National Park
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 5: Matobo National Park

      Time for our second game experience and again we meet a local expert guide and transfer into specialised 4x4 safari vehicles for our half-day excursion in this interesting park. We might also be lucky enough to enjoy an exhilarating walking safari with the rhinos.It is also possible to take the option of extending this excursion to a full day.

  • Day 6 Day 6: Bulawayo To Livingstone, Zambia
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 6: Bulawayo To Livingstone, Zambia

      From Bulawayo, we travel on to Victoria Falls town and then cross over the bridge that spans the gorge connecting Zimbabwe and Zambia. This also serves as the border post where we complete the border formalities and continue to our camp a few kilometers upstream from the falls themselves.On arrival at the camp, our team will run through the many different optional activities that are on offer in the area to make the most of the next couple of days.

  • Day 7 Day 7-8: Livingstone
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 7-8: Livingstone

      We have two days at leisure in Livingstone and our camp on the banks of the Zambezi makes the perfect base to explore and partake in a variety of activities.Bungy-jumping, white-water rafting, helicopter or microlight flights and game drives and -walks are just a few of the many activities on offer. Simply do as much or as little as you want!

  • Day 8 Day 9: Livingstone To Lusaka
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 9: Livingstone To Lusaka

      Visiting the falls themselves and exploring the trails to take in the view this morning - before hitting the road again and heading through the lush countryside to the nations capital, Lusaka.Our camp a short distance from town on a farm which is home for the night.

  • Day 9 Day 10: Lusaka To South Luangwa National Park
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 10: Lusaka To South Luangwa National Park

      Swapping the tar sealed roads for dirt tracks, we head into South Luangwa National Park, situated along the banks of the Luangwa River. The river is the parks lifeblood during the dry season, ensuring that it is wonderful to visit the park year round.On arrival we set up our camp and enjoy a relaxing afternoon, possibly take an optional walking safari, or a village visit.

  • Day 10 Day 11: South Luangwa National Park
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 11: South Luangwa National Park

      The best time to game view in the park is late in the afternoon, so we spend the heat of the day relaxing by the pool in camp, or possibly exploring the area on an optional drive and walk.In the afternoon we head out with a local ranger in an open 4x4 game drive vehicle to enjoy the park.

  • Day 11 Day 12: South Luangwa National Park To Kande Beach, Malawi
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 12: South Luangwa National Park To Kande Beach, Malawi

      Leaving the national park behind this morning, we head towards the border with Malawi and patiently wait as formalities are completed. Soon we can continue with our journey greeted by friendly smiles and waves while we travel through Malawi, The Warm Heart of Africa to Kande Beach, our camp for the next couple of nights.Kande is a comfortable vibey beach resort, which gives us an ideal break from the last few days of travelling.

  • Day 12 Day 13: Kande Beach, Malawi
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 13: Kande Beach, Malawi

      We have the day at leisure and there is a wide range of activities on offer here. Horse riding through the villages and forests is a fantastic experience, ending off with a cooling dip - swimming, snorkeling or diving in the clear fresh waters of the lake.

  • Day 13 Day 14: Kande Beach To Chitimba Beach
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 14: Kande Beach To Chitimba Beach

      Continuing up towards northern Malawi today, we travel through scenic countryside dotted with rubber plantations, to the northern provincial capital, Mzuzu. Stopping here to stock up in the colourful market, we have the opportunity to explore the small town before heading back down to the lake sure and our camp on the beach at the foot of the Livingstonia Plateau - home for the next two nights.

  • Day 14 Day 15: Chitimba Beach
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 15: Chitimba Beach

      We have the opportunity to stretch our legs today with an optional hike - up the scenic Livingstonia Plateau to the Manchewe Falls. For the effort, we are rewarded with stunning views and a refreshing dip in the cool pools.Relaxing on the beach is also an appealing option as there are many alternative activities on offer.

  • Day 15 Day 16: Chitimba To Iringa, Tanzania
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 16: Chitimba To Iringa, Tanzania

      Leaving the beautiful Warm Heart of Africa today, we cross into our fifth country of our adventure, Tanzania. After crossing the Songwe River, we steadily climb up through scenery dotted with tea plantations into the Southern Highlands of Tanzania with a cool fresh climate.We camp the night on a family owned organic farm in a beautiful spot with a cozy bar.

  • Day 16 Day 17: Iringa To Mikumi National Park Area
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 17: Iringa To Mikumi National Park Area

      Our journey heads east toward the Mikumi National Park, where one will be thoroughly stunned by the landscape of endless rolling grassy plains. This park is the forth largest in the country and hosts an array of wildlife. Should time allow, you can explore the park with an optional game drive in the afternoon, soak the beauty in at the campsites swimming pool, enjoy the restaurant/bar and then marvel at the night time stars around an open fireplace.

  • Day 17 Day 18: Iringa To Dar Es Salaam
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 18: Iringa To Dar Es Salaam

      We travel today via the Mikumi National Park in the hopes of spotting some more animals near to the roadside.After making our way through the busy traffic of Dar es Salaam, we arrive at our camp on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

  • Day 18 Day 19: Dar Es Salaam To Zanzibar
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 19: Dar Es Salaam To Zanzibar

      Swapping our Acacia vehicle for the fast ferry across to the island of Zanzibar today. With a long history as a trading hub for everything from slaves to spices, our first stop is the capital, Stone Town.With a maze of streets we have the opportunity to explore this vibrant town, whilst grabbing bargains in the bazaars and markets.

  • Day 19 Day 20-22: Stone Town To Kendwa Beach
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 20-22: Stone Town To Kendwa Beach

      From Stone Town we travel through the island to the beautiful northern shore and the palm fringed white sandy beaches. This is our home for the next three nights and we can relax on the beach listening to the chilled tunes coming from the nearby beach bars, explore the local villages, or take a dhow safari on the beautiful blue clear waters.

  • Day 20 Day 23: Zanzibar To Dar Es Salaam
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 23: Zanzibar To Dar Es Salaam

      With our sunkissed skin and sandy toes, its time to leave this tropical haven and make our way back to Stone Town. With last minute shopping done, we catch the ferry back to the mainland to our camp along the shores outside of the city itself for our last night next to the Indian Ocean.

  • Day 21 Day 24: Dar Es Salaam To Marangu
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 24: Dar Es Salaam To Marangu

      Making our way out of Dar es Salaam, our route takes us inland - passing the Para and Usambara and eventually to the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro towering above us at 5895m. With luck the skies will be clear enough for us to catch a glimpse of the snow capped peak.

  • Day 22 Day 25: Marangu To Arusha
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 25: Marangu To Arusha

      Continuing on to Arusha, a safari town midway between Cape Town and Cairo, we visit the markets before proceeding out of town and on to our camp on the Maasai plains.This afternoon we have the chance to visit the local village and also learn about the proud Maasai heritage at the local museum.

  • Day 23 Day 26: Arusha To Serengeti National Parke
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 26: Arusha To Serengeti National Parke

      Swapping the Acacia vehicle for a specialised 4x4 game drive vehicle with a local expert guide, we head off into the world famous Serengeti National Park.Crossing the Great Rift Valley, passing through Mto Wo Mbo Mosquito Creek and Lake Manyara, we continue into the conservation area, pausing for lunch on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater. This afternoon we enter the Serengeti National Park and game drive through the grassy plains towards our un-fenced camp deep in the park. Famous for its predators, the Serengeti is simply breathtaking with its sweeping views and abundant wildlife.

  • Day 24 Day 27: Serengeti National Park To Ngorongoro Crater
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 27: Serengeti National Park To Ngorongoro Crater

      After a night in the wild with the sounds of the bush all around, we rise early and head out on a morning game drive to spot some of the amazing animals resident in the area.After a fantastic morning in the park, we game drive out of the park and slowly climb back up to the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater to our camp, in one of the most scenic spots on the route.

  • Day 25 Day 28: Ngorongoro Crater To Arusha
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 28: Ngorongoro Crater To Arusha

      We have our final morning of game viewing today and as we descend into the vast crater in the cool of the morning, we enjoy this garden of eden, home to most of the major animal species found in Tanzania. Its easy to see why it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site while we drive the dirt tracks and observe the wildlife resident here.After lunch we continue our journey back to Arusha and enjoy our final night on tour.

  • Day 26 Day 29: Arusha To Nairobi, Kenya
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 29: Arusha To Nairobi, Kenya

      Packing up one final time, we are back on the Acacia vehicle for the last leg of the adventure and our last border crossing.Reaching Namanga, the small frontier town, we complete the border formalities and enter Kenya continueing our journey on to the capital, Nairobi, where our safari comes to an end.

Experience Style

Experience Style


There will be challenging activities such as hiking, biking, canyoning and trekking, but youโ€™re also going to have other means of transportation and relaxed moments to just chill.

Accomodation level

Accomodation level


This accommodation includes essential services like a hot shower, electricity, and a nice and comfy bed.

Experience Type

Experience Type

Small Group

Youโ€™ll be accompanied by a small group of travelers just like you.

Physical Rating

Physical Rating


Almost everyone is fit for these activities. Every hike or physical exercise last less than 30 minutes, such as paragliding and horseback riding. Please ask about specific conditions.

Age range

Age range

Min: 18 / Max: 39

This experience is only available for adults within this age range.

Select a country to define if the visa is required

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