3 days tour

Private Three Days Tour To Sibiu, Brasov And Sighisoara From

Private Three Days Tour To Sibiu, Brasov And Sighisoara From

This tour includes:


Professional English-speaking guide


Two breakfasts


Entrance fees


Transportation with a modern vehicle Airport transfers


Accommodation for 2 nights in centrally located hotels

Not included:


Health & travel insurance Airplane tickets Meals, other than those included in the itinerary Alcoholic beverages, room service, souvenirs, and other personal spendings Photography fees Tips for the tour guide

Start planning your experience

Itinerary of your trip Private Three Days Tour To Sibiu, Brasov And Sighisoara From

  • Day 1 Day 1: Welcome To Romania!
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 1: Welcome To Romania!

      Our first destination is Turda, where we will explore one of the most spectacular underground places in the world, the Turda Salt Mine. This mine was used for salt extraction ever since the pre-roman era, but today it has become an underground theme park. This UFO-shaped mine is equipped with a mini-golf course, a bowling field, a Ferris wheel, and a lake where you can enjoy a boat ride. It is the perfect location for a family picnic, and on top of that, it has countless health benefits, especially for the respiratory system.   The next landmark on our list is the Alba Carolina Fortress, the largest and most valuable bastion fortress in South-Eastern Europe. It was built in the early 18th century, as part of a fortification system created by Prince Eugene of Savoy to provide defense for the newly conquered provinces of the Habsburg Empire. Besides its beautiful architecture, the Alba Carolina Fortress attracts thousands of tourists through its Change of Guard ceremony, which takes place almost daily between May and September. Our next destination is the quaint village of Sibiel, a place where time stood still, and that is inhabited by less than 500 people. Once there, we will enjoy a carriage ride through the village, and then we will enter the home of a local family, where we will have a delicious dinner prepared with traditional products. At night, we will reach Sibiu, where we will check in at the hotel. Overnight in Sibiu.

  • Day 2 Day 2: Local Living
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 2: Local Living

      Breakfast. On the second day, we will get to discover Transylvania in a more up-close and personal manner. Our first stop is at a family that owns an ecologic garden. Here, we will learn the true meaning of โ€œlocal livingโ€, and we will get to help with some of the household chores. We will then hop on our bikes and take a ride to a nearby village, where we will explore the old mill where we will taste a delicious bread baked with local ingredients. We will then drive to Bran Castle, known by many as Draculaโ€™s Castle, built here over 600 years ago. This imposing castle still preserves some of its historic medieval ambiance, and you will have a chance to discover it beyond the popular myth of Dracula. Our last destination for the day is Brasov, one of Transylvaniaโ€™s most remarkable cities. Here, we will take a short walking tour, and we will discover some of the landmarks of this medieval city. The Black Church is the largest Gothic church in Transylvania and the largest religious edifice between Vienna and Istanbul. Inside, you will find one of the largest pipe organs in Europe, and you will discover the history behind its name. In the evening, you will learn more about the local wildlife, and our specialized tour guide will take you to the Bear Observatory.  Overnight in Brasov.

  • Day 3 Day 3: Medieval Romania
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 3: Medieval Romania

      The last day of your tour starts with a trip to Europeโ€™s last inhabited medieval citadel, Sighisoara. We will visit its Clock Tower, which housed the Citadel Council until 1556, and was also used as a holding cell for prisoners sentenced to death. The tower has a height of approximately 64 meters, and today it is home to Sighisoaraโ€™s History Museum. Our next stop is Biertan, one of the first Saxon settlements in Transylvania. Surrounded by quaint streets and vineyards, the medieval complex is made up of the church and its fortification, which was placed on top of a hill, in the heart of the settlement. The church was built between 1486 and 1524 in a Late Gothic style with Renaissance touches. Last but not least, you will discover one of the Transylvanian crafts, and you will withness to a demonstration from a local craftsman. At night, we will reach Cluj-Napoca, and our tour will come to an end.

Experience Style

Experience Style


There will be challenging activities such as hiking, biking, canyoning and trekking, but youโ€™re also going to have other means of transportation and relaxed moments to just chill.

Accomodation level

Accomodation level


This accommodation includes essential services like a hot shower, electricity, and a nice and comfy bed.

Experience Type

Experience Type


Youโ€™ll be just with your guide or pilot. Examples of these activities are paragliding, sky diving, personal mountain climbing, etc.

Physical Rating

Physical Rating


Almost everyone is fit for these activities. Every hike or physical exercise last less than 30 minutes, such as paragliding and horseback riding. Please ask about specific conditions.

Age range

Age range

Min: 10 / Max: 78

Age range allowed for this experience.

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