15 days tour

15 Days Trips In Romania, Moldavia, Bulgaria

15 Days Trips In Romania, Moldavia, Bulgaria

This tour includes:


A private, licensed English speaking guide/driver, available throughout the tour




Private transportation in air-conditioned car


Hotel 3 Stars

Not included:


Flights are not included


Travel Insurance is not included

Start planning your experience

Itinerary of your trip 15 Days Trips In Romania, Moldavia, Bulgaria

  • Day 1 Day 1: Veliko Tarnovo
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 1: Veliko Tarnovo

      Leave Bucharest then we start the day by exploring the ancient town of Veliko Tarnovo, with sights such as the Tsarevets Fortress and the Samovodene Street, famous for the craftsmen there. Then we continue to the nearby village of Arbanassi, where you will visit the Nativity Church and the Konstantsalieva House. Afterwards, we head back to Romania to catch a Bucharest Panoramic City Tour. We spend the night in Bucharest.

  • Day 2 Day 2: Sibiu
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 2: Sibiu

      We leave Bucharest and head for Sibiu.  On the way, we stop to visit the Curtea de Arges Monastery to see the Romanian version of the Sagrada Familia, in an orthodox reinterpretation and a toned down zest for architectural lacery. We move on to check off other historical monuments on our list that were left behind by Romanian rulers and the Royal Family on these mythical lands.  We buckle up and venture up the 1400 steps to reach the Poienari Citadel (the โ€œrealโ€ Castle of Dracula) which was the place where Vlad the Impaler would retreat in the event of an Ottoman invasion. We stop to take pictures to bring home to our friends, knowing that they will make them a little jealous.  At the end of the day, we relax and collect our thoughts with a walk through the Sibiu Old Town, where we spend the night.

  • Day 3 Day 3: Alba Iulia
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 3: Alba Iulia

      We are discovering Transylvania step by step, as it is and not as it is said to be, each with their own considerations, tastes, perception, and camera angles.  We start with something unique, a gothic castle considered to be among the top 10 most beautiful in the world. If you ever daydreamed about a magical castle when you were little, the Hunyadi Castle, also known as the Corvin Castle is probably the spitting image of what you had in mind.  We sink further into history and the tour brings us in front of the oldest church in Romania, the Densus Church.  The end of the day will find us in Alba Iulia, an extension of the ancient Roman Apullum castrum, which was later transformed into a star-shaped Vauban fortress, surrounded by several lines of defense.  We spend the night in Alba Iulia where we will dream of saints immortalized in mural painting on the ancient church walls, knights, battles, and invasions, still mesmerized by everything we discovered on the third day of our trip. We spend the night in Alba Iulia.

  • Day 4 Day 4: Sighetu Marmatiei
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 4: Sighetu Marmatiei

      Filled with energy and excitement, we head for Maramures, where we will have to help ourselves from exclaiming โ€œWow!!!โ€ at every step, instead learning the local expletives โ€œioiโ€ or โ€œtulai Doamneโ€. So, prepare to be wowed by the indescribable beauty of the settlements and scenery, where you will get to enjoy delicious food and drinks, and have a taste of the world-renowned Maramures hospitality.  We โ€œdismountโ€ first and start heading towards the center of the Earth, in the Turda Salt Mines. Here we will take a cleansing breath of pure, saline air, and we will marvel at the salt mine turned theme park, which required an investment of over 6 million Euros.  After leaving the mine, we stroll through the Old City Centre of Cluj, one of the largest and most important cities in Transylvania.  We learn to appreciate the sanctity of wood with a visit to the Surdesti Wooden Church, another monument in the UNESCO World Heritage, like many of the attractions on our itinerary.  We overnight at a bed and breakfast in Vadu Izei owned by a lovely family who will greet us with a delicious home-cooked meal.

  • Day 5 Day 5: Sighetu Marmatiei
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 5: Sighetu Marmatiei

      Another day of exploring Maramures and its never-ending supply of mysteries and surprises.  What do you say if we stopped for a bit to check out the local fair, where we can interact with people and immerse ourselves in the local atmosphere?  Afterwards, we will visit a beautiful and peculiar cemetery, because it is always filled with joy and laughter. The crosses dotting the graves in the Merry Cemetery of Sapanta are miniature works of art, painted in vivid colors and each bearing an inscription of a funny poem or limerick about the person buried there. We will also pop into the workshop of the master sculptor who designs and creates the beautiful crosses.  We move on to the highest wooden construction in the world, the Peri Church.  We also pay a visit to the Memorial Museum for the Victims of Communism in Sighetu Marmatiei.  And we end the day on a happy note, enjoying a private traditional folk music and dance show from Maramures.  We overnight at a bed and breakfast in Vadu Izei owned by a lovely family who will greet us with a delicious home-cooked meal.

  • Day 6 Day 6: Gura Humorului
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 6: Gura Humorului

      We leave Maramures behind as we head towards a new adventure, in Bucovina.  We make a stop at the Barsana Monastery, a heavenly place filled with flowers and vegetation, and an array of beautiful wooden constructions, and then we head to Mr. Barsanโ€™s workshop, who is the most prominent wood carving craftsman in the area.  We also discover the Church of Ieud, also part of the UNESCO World Heritage list of historical monuments, just like Barsana, and it is considered the oldest wooden monastery in Maramures.  You will not resist the temptation to take a memorable photo shoot of the famous and colorfully decorated houses in Ciocanesti village.  We spend the night at Gura Humorului.

  • Day 7 Day 7: Gura Humorului
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 7: Gura Humorului

      The whole day will be a tour of the most famous painted monasteries in the UNESCO World Heritage: Voronet, Humor, Sucevita, and Moldovita. First, we have lunch together in the home of a local artist, where we will also discover the art of egg decoration (a craft called โ€œincondeiereโ€ in Romanian). We remain in Gura Humorului for the night, because we still have a lot of beautiful Moldavian monasteries left to visit.

  • Day 8 Day 8: Chisinau
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 8: Chisinau

      We leave Gura Humorului in the morning, continuing our trip towards the border, where we will cross the Prut River into the Moldavian Republic, the missing half of the Romanian heart that was separated from the body of the once Greater Romania. On the way, we first reach the capital of our Moldavia, the city of Iasi, one of the most important cultural and historical centers in the region. We arrive in Chisinau, the capital of the Moldavian Republic, in the afternoon or evening. We spend the night in Chisinau.

  • Day 9 Day 9: Chisinau
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 9: Chisinau

      We being our trip to the Moldavian Republic with a tour of Chisinau. In the afternoon, we take a trip to the Cricova Wine Cellars, one of the largest and most impressive underground wine cellars in all of Europe, who exports wines in the entire world. Of course, we cannot leave without trying them, so we will have a wine tasting and choose our favorites from some of the best Romanian-made wines. We bet you will love it and even purchase a few bottles at a great price to treat your friends at home. We spend the night in Chisinau.

  • Day 10 Day 10: Chisinau
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 10: Chisinau

      Day trip to Tiraspol, the centre of the self-proclaimed Transnistria Republic. Overnight stay in Chisinau.

  • Day 11 Day 11: Piatra Neamt
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 11: Piatra Neamt

      We leave the Republic of Moldavia, heading back to Romania. We can stop on the way, if time allows it, to discover a couple of other historical monuments, such as the famous monasteries at Agapia, Varatec or Neamt. We spend the night in Piatra Neamt, thinking about the fortress we will be visiting the next day and the wonders of nature surrounding it.

  • Day 12 Day 12: Sighisoara
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 12: Sighisoara

      Did you know that Sighisoaraโ€™s citadel was built in the 12th century?  Wrapping up our trip to Transylvania, we cross the Carpathians, following along the Bicaz Gorges, a breathtaking picturesque path carved into the mountain.  We stop to pay a visit to a well-known gypsy in Transylvania, a unique opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life.  We continue our trip in Sighisoara, the perfectly preserved medieval citadel, and take a guided tour through the historical center of the city. The Sighisoara Citadel is also registered as a Historical Monument in the UNESCO World Heritage list of landmarks.  We stay the night in Sighisoara to rest and collect our thoughts after the wonderful โ€œspectacle of lifeโ€ we have witnessed.

  • Day 13 Day 13: Viscri
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 13: Viscri

      We resume our adventure with a visit to the Clock Tower and Armory Museums, where we find out many interesting details about Dracula/Vlad the Impaler, the beloved Wallachian ruler.  We head towards the peculiar village of Biertan, where you can admire beautifully preserved Saxon houses and visit the remarkable fortified church, also part of the UNESCO World Heritage list of landmarks. Here you can learn about the unusual method used to prevent divorce, which has been so effective that there has been only one divorce in Biertan in the past 300 years.  As promised, we continue down our picturesque and medieval route, but then we dive into a culinary adventure, because we have arrived in Viscri, made famous by the refuge in nature and beauty found here by Charles, Prince of Wales.  We have home-cooked lunch made up of traditional Transylvanian dishes, uncovering a different culture and way of life than we are used to.  We take a wagon ride to the blacksmith, the brick-making workshop, and finally to a traditional sheepfold, to catch a glimpse of the mountain dwellerโ€™s lifestyle and taste the best sheep cheese.  We spend the night in Viscri, trying to imagine why Prince Charles gave up the luxury of his palace for the smell of fresh cut hay and the clear starry night sky of this spellbinding village.

  • Day 14 Day 14: Brasov
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 14: Brasov

      Todayโ€™s trip brings us to the recently restored Rupea Fortress, just so you know that our medieval adventure is not over yet. We leave for Bran Castle (famously known as Draculaโ€™s Castle), exiting one fairytale and entering another. How about a walk through the bazaar, to buy souvenirs, taste and even buy delicious local products, like homemade cheese, tuica or palinka? Overnight stay in Brasov.

  • Day 15 Day 15: Brasov
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 15: Brasov

      In the morning we head out slowly towards the old city center of Brasov, and of course we cannot miss the Black Church, yet another spectacular monument that has endured throughout the centuries.  On our way to Bucharest, we stop at the Azuga Winery, a supplier of the Romanian Royal Family, and then we visit the Sinaia Monastery, both of which we are sure will make a strong impression on you.  A little before reaching Bucharest, we make a stop on the Snagov Lake island, home of the Snagov Monastery, the hidden location of Draculaโ€™s Tomb, or rather, the tomb of Wallachian ruler Vlad the Impaler.  We arrive in Bucharest late in the evening, so we stay here for our last night. Hotel booked by yourself

Experience Style

Experience Style


There will be challenging activities such as hiking, biking, canyoning and trekking, but youโ€™re also going to have other means of transportation and relaxed moments to just chill.

Accomodation level

Accomodation level


This accommodation includes essential services like a hot shower, electricity, and a nice and comfy bed.

Experience Type

Experience Type


Youโ€™ll be just with your guide or pilot. Examples of these activities are paragliding, sky diving, personal mountain climbing, etc.

Physical Rating

Physical Rating


Almost everyone is fit for these activities. Every hike or physical exercise last less than 30 minutes, such as paragliding and horseback riding. Please ask about specific conditions.

Age range

Age range

Min: 20 / Max: 80

Age range allowed for this experience.

Select a country to define if the visa is required

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