8 days tour

Mountain Biking In The High Atlas

$ 997 .75 USD

Total price per person

Reserve with $997.75

Mountain Biking In The High Atlas

This tour includes:


All guiding (except in Marrakech)


Breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday in the mountains Breakfast on the last day


Transfer From Marrakech airport to imlil Support vehicle Return transfer to Marrakech at the end of the week Transfer to Marrakech airport for your return flight Secure bike storage in Marrakech


Local Minibus from and back to Marrakech airconditional minibus Bike


Hotel in Marrakech on BB

Not included:


Your Mountain Bike Bottled water (1.5ltrs = 10dh) Lunch and Dinner on the last day in Marrakech


International flights are not included


Other activities and services not included


Insurance is not included

Start planning your experience

Itinerary of your trip Mountain Biking In The High Atlas

  • Day 1 Day 1: Marrakech
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 1: Marrakech

      Fly into Marrakech. We will collect everyone from here and transfer directly to a comfortable Riad Oussagou in Imlil. Transfer time is about 1H30. If we have time then you can build your bike and snatch a quick ride out if you want, then dinner. Dinner is a feast of Soup, tajine and fruit desert followed by tea. Getting to bed early is not easy! You’ll be buzzing with excitement and trying to digest so much information.We aim to do one transfer from the airport to Imlil. However, we are aware that not everyone can arrive at the same time so if your arrival time is very different from the rest of the group we offer a subsidised additional transfer option to Imlil for £20

  • Day 2 Day 2: Imi Oughlad
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 2: Imi Oughlad

      This is the start of the riding on the first day. We start with a climb! Not a tough one but good enough to put pressure on the pedals to make sure everything is working. At the top of the pass (31’08’53.45 N 7’53’18.42 W 2300m) we usually stop for mint tea and biscuits before heading for the first real singletrack through the villages of Tacheddirt, Tamgaist and Amssakrou. This is good, technical singletrack for a couple of hours which drops us into the riverbed for lunch. After a good, long lazy lunch we’re off again. A short climb which turns into a SUPER TECHNICAL singletrack descent. This really is tough stuff and very few people can ride it without dabbing.At the end of this singletrack we stop in a Gite for the night at Imi Oughlad. Dinner is served and prepared by Mohammed and Assi who are exceptional cooks! Traditional Berber three course meal which will leave you stuffed and content! (31’11’40.32 N 7’57’13.22 W 1382m)

  • Day 3 Day 3: Imi Oughlad
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 3: Imi Oughlad

      A hearty breakfast and stock of energy bars in the camel bak will see us through the first climb of the day. From Imi Oughlad we start a tough climb to the head of the second pass of the week. The climb is optional and an uplift can be arranged for those not wanting the challenge of it. From here we have the first super fast, tight, technical, rocky singletrack of the day. Kilometre after kilometre of singletrack will keep you on and off the brakes as you hit the rocky technical sections and try desperately hard to keep your speed up! This is easier and faster singletrack than on the first day and will put a big smile on your face!At the bottom of this singletrack there is a shop where we can grab a coke and cake before setting off again on the next climb. At the top of this climb we drop into a short section of very technical singletrack. It’s only a short section of 800m but it feels much, much longer because it’s really challenging! From here we drop into the Gite where we will be staying for the night and have lunch.After lunch we have a photo shoot session. This is a great location because of the singletrack, views and redness of the rock. There are some tough technical sections which are well worth sectioning if you’re up for it or just fast flowing singletrack if you prefer. From this you should get photos you’ll want to frame when you get home!Another massive three course meal with lots of good banter to help digest the days events, trail and food! (31’08’08.62 N 7’58’32.36 W 1780m)

  • Day 4 Day 4: Amizmiz.
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 4: Amizmiz.

      This is a ‘mega’ day of singletrack. The Gite is at nearly 2000m in altitude and today is the day to ‘cash in’ on the altitude!1.5km from the Gite the singletrack starts. Tight, steep twisty singletrack drops us onto a riverbed we cross to pick up the singletrack on the other side. This path links three or four villages as we traverse from one to the other. This is fast and flowing but we don’t lose much height as we follow the riverbed below. There are a couple of little climbs of 3-400m which catapult us into incredibly fast sections where you need to slam on the anchors to avoid firing off the singletrack on tight hairpin corners…This one section of singletrack is over three hours long!We stop for lunch in a secluded wooded part of the riverbed where Mohammed and Assa will be waiting and would have already prepared mint tea for our arrival. Lunch will be a welcome break from the efforts of riding as fast as you can for so long on so much singletrack. But it doesn’t’t stop here…After lunch we’re off again. A short warm up of 1.5-2km and we’re crossing a large damn to find the entrance to yet another incredible ribbon of singletrack. A very sketchy entrance unravels into km after km of gently down sloping singletrack in a spectacular gorge. This is truly breath taking scenery to match some of the best singletrack in the world!Unfortunately, like all the best things, it has to come to an end! At 31’13’32.56N 8’07’36.14W we join a tarmac road. From here we have a gentle ride to the gite10km outside Amizmiz. (31’13’05.01 N 8’10’20.27 W 1005m).

  • Day 5 Day 5: Ait Ahmad
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 5: Ait Ahmad

      After breakfast we head off on one of the toughest days of the week. Today is a great singletrack challenge day. Not much singletrack descending but some great, technical singletrack climbing and challenges all morning! This will test even the most technically competent rider to the max! All of this has been ridden without a dab so it can be done! But it’s tough. Very, very, tough!We start with a singletrack ridgeline ascent. The grip is good but you need to pick a good line and save your energy for the tricky bits which are thrown in there just to spice it up! From the top of this challenge we have a traverse and singletrack descent back into a riverbed on the other side of the valley for another, very technical ascent. This one is rockier (but not loose) and good trials skills will be an enormous advantage. A real lung buster, but you’ll be amazed at the level of grip witch drives you forward and makes it a really good section. From the top here there is a fantastic singletrack descent for your reward before another, shorter, smooth, steady singletrack traverse which pops us onto a dirt track road which we follow for 3km to the van for lunch.After lunch we have a short, steady traverse through several rustic villages to Ait Ahmad where the Gite for the night is. An earlier finish, usually around 4.30pm will help you recover for the next singletrack ‘Mega’ tomorrow. This is a great village to explore with its incredible landscape, scenery and caves. (31’07’43.77 N 8’16’03.87 W 1483m)

  • Day 6 Day 6: Ijoukak
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 6: Ijoukak

      This is the last day on the bike and possible the best! Another singletrack ‘Mega day’ will challenge your fitness and technical ability!We start with a gentle traverse and climb to the head of the pass. This includes a 10 minute hike-a-bike but the rewards a the top are incomprehensible! If you enjoy singletrack, this is your heaven!As you look down the giant valley all you can see in a fine ribbon of singletrack disappearing in to the distance. This is fast and flowing to start and as it drops in height becomes more technical into the riverbed. All easily ridable but you’ll be desperate to keep your speed up to increase the ‘grin factor’ and mistakes will be made! It’s just not possible to ride hours of singletrack without making a mistake…Especially when you’re hammering it!One of the sections of singletrack runs through a dry riverbed. It’s smooth with rocks lining the twisting route so if you come off line you get punished. The twisting route makes you throw the bike around as you shift your weight from one pedal to the next to find the grip out of the slide into the next bend. Almost like a slalom. Big ring, flat out!This is just one section, there are too many to list but I have to say there is something for everyone and everyone loves it. From slow, super technical to smooth and flat out and everything in between! This continues for hours, without a letup anywhere. The finale is a rickety bridge crossing which takes us to the van for a late lunch. Tired and dusty!After lunch you can either transfer in the van to Ijoukak for the last night in the mountains or if you prefer, which most do, ride the 18km to the Gite. (Ijoukak 30’59’08.11 N 8’08’59.56 W. Tigmi tamazirt

  • Day 7 Day 7: Marrakech
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 7: Marrakech

      Pack up the bikes after breakfast, load the 4x4 and transfer to the Hotel Taghazoute in Marrakech for the rest of day and night. This is a great opportunity to explore the famous Jnaa El Fna square, souks and other sights. Explore the city and if you’re up for it, a Hammam to help refresh aching limbs! The night in the hotel is included in the price but you’ll need some money for souvenirs and dinner. Breakfast is also included on the morning of departure.

  • Day 8 Day 8
    • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm

      Day 8

      Fly home

Experience Style

Experience Style


There will be challenging activities such as hiking, biking, canyoning and trekking, but you’re also going to have other means of transportation and relaxed moments to just chill.

Accomodation level

Accomodation level


This accommodation includes essential services like a hot shower, electricity, and a nice and comfy bed.

Experience Type

Experience Type

Small Group

You’ll be accompanied by a small group of travelers just like you.

Physical Rating

Physical Rating


Long and challenging experience. You’ll be required to have good physical fitness to go on it. In some of these activities you'll need previous experience on similar activities.

Age range

Age range

Min: 13 / Max: 80

Age range allowed for this experience.

Select a country to define if the visa is required